Island Batik project
Last summer I submitted several proposals to Island Batik using their new Spring/Summer 2018 fabrics. One of them was accepted.
This is Tied in Knots tablerunner featuring the Eclectic Garden line.
A few views of the quilting. The center of the runner…
An end…
A corner…
Back in 2015 when I first designed this quilt, I posted a picture on the EQ yahoo group, asking if anyone recognized the block, as I couldn’t find it in the Block Library. One lady emailed me to say that she didn’t know what block it is, but she really liked it. I told her I would be using it in a pattern, would she be interested in testing it for me? She replied that if it was “something a beginner can do”, she would be willing.
Somewhere along the line, my mind ignored the “beginner” part. If she has EQ, she must be a quilter, right?
I worked on the pattern, started sewing, worked on the pattern some more, sewed some more… I sent her a picture and then the pdf. THEN her reply got through to me that she was a “beginner”. She was willing to give it a try, even though I would not have classified it as a beginner pattern. Confident beginner maybe, but not a first quilt. I told her it would be a good test of the pattern.
She helped tremendously, pointed out areas that needed to be clearer, or put differently. She was a very good tester. And an excellent quilter. Very accurate. Excellent results.
We reached the end. She sent an email saying she “ripped and repaired some errors that were so obvious in the pictures”—uh, no, they weren’t.
Then she went on to say:
“I want to thank you and let you know what an impact you have made in my life.
Almost three years ago I had a stroke. My speech and memory paid a heavy price. I worked at recovering from it. Long story short, I knew I was the only one that could change things. I began to play “games” or “studying” a new topic (for instance EQ7) attempting to create new connections in my brain. EQ worked for 8 chapters.
Until a few weeks ago I would get up and go into my room and want to work on something, usually machine embroidery. I could play with the program on the computer. Started an applique, never finished it but continued messing with it telling myself “Why should I stitch it out, it’s not right. I’ll only have to do it over again”.
Now, that is history. What happened with you was so fast, I didn’t have any time to think about it. You were asking and immediately sending pictures and pdfs. Then I made a commitment to you that I HAD to complete.
I have used my machine more since working with you than before I sent that first email. You opened a door to a subject I was interested in. I had been reading books and watching videos, again not doing. Now I am looking forward to getting back on that machine and doing what I really enjoy. It is as though a wall was knocked down. I truly thank God for using you to bless me.
Eileen, you never know who God will bring into your life, to help you (or someone you love) as you did me.
I avoided commenting on this before but… I am 85. Guess why I didn’t tell you that earlier? You are a beautiful person.”
Never in my wildest dreams, would I ever have imagined that I would be helping someone. I went into this as me being the only one (and potential buyers getting a good pattern) who would gain anything. I do feel that my talent is a gift from God, and to have actually helped someone else is a true blessing.
This is her result. I used it on the cover of the original pattern.
I haven’t heard from her in quite some time. I think I’ll try to connect with her again.