Chain of Geese

About 6 weeks ago a lady emailed me, saying she was having trouble finding a kit with the Timeless Treasures Northern Lights fabric. I gave her the name of shop I had recently shipped patterns to. The kits the shop was selling was the smallest size, but she said she wanted the larger size. She shopped around and found the fabric she needed.
She was new-ish quilter, and wasn’t sure if she was up to this pattern. I told her if she followed the instructions and was able to sew a quarter inch seam, she would do fine, and if she had any questions to just ask.
We emailed back and forth while she was sewing. Today she sent me a picture of her finished quilt. Wow! It’s gorgeous!
When I submitted the design to Timeless Treasures with the Northern Light fabric, I had already sewn several sizes of the pattern, so I didn’t request any yardage for a sample. I just used the EQ image for the cover. The pattern has been a good seller with the Northern Lights fabric. I’ve been sorry that I didn’t ask for the fabric. And now I have an actual quilt for the cover! It’s a beauty!