Month: December 2019
Angel atop the tree

I started working on the angel on Friday. I didn’t get buckram, I bought some Peltex, the one-side fusible. Not that I intended to fuse it to anything, but it seemed a bit stiffer than the non-fusible. This is for the cone shape that the head/arms and dress go on. That’s about as far as […]
A new angel

I had, now my daughter has, my mom’s wedding dress. It’s 83 years old. It has been stored in a little cedar chest that my dad made for her, which in turn was stored in a much bigger cedar chest. The picture above is the veil and the jacket that went over the dress. I […]
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care…finally

Today is my last day of “work” until next year. “Work” as in get in the car and drive to work. I work at the quilt shop on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and with the upcoming holidays, we will be closed both days for the next two weeks. I need to work on design proposals for […]
Another Shop Hop quilt

We used Fly Away for one of our samples last year, also with the state panel. It went over very well, we’ll use it again this year. The quilt measures 54″ x 74″. The pattern shows off both the panel and the border fabric. My cold is now under control, and I feel human again!
A day behind

The cold got the best of me. I went to work yesterday morning. A couple of hours later Linda sent me home. The rest of the day was spent on the couch reading and napping. I feel this . . much better today. So there was no sewing yesterday and there will be no sewing […]
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care…

Well, they would if I had bought the right 3M Command strips… This is the front of them. And the backs. I used cotton batting and quilted them with a serpentine stitch in a 1.5″ grid. I like the crinkly look, and I thought I would wash and dry these. They didn’t crinkle as much […]
Today I am determined to sew!
I need to clean off my sewing cabinet and cutting table before I start on the stockings. I’ll have to come up with a pattern. I want a smaller version of the stockings I’ve made through the years. I think I know which fabrics I want to use…time will tell. Goose Chase is my best […]
Day 11
It appears I will have at least two posts today. What I thought I had posted Sunday was only a draft. Yesterday I couldn’t think of anything worth writing about. We have very cold weather, I think it’s about -14…no, wait! It’s now -19. Brrrr!! I finished a project yesterday but forgot to take a […]
No sewing today…
I thought I would get to sew today, but that didn’t happen. We had about 4″ of snow overnight, I shoveled in front of the house when I went out to mail a package. Avon is introducing numerous changes, one of which is the order books will no longer be available. Before I found this […]