Day 5
I work at the Old Creamery Quilt Shop in Randall. We participate in the Quilt Minnesota Shop Hop every year. In 2020 it runs from July 31 to August 16. The fabric needs to be ordered next week, so I’ve spending time today in EQ7 (Electric Quilt), dropping the fabrics into some of my quilt designs.
Each shop makes an 8″ finished block that goes into quilt, and the block instructions are given to each shop-hopper. We also put together a block kit to sell. I looked through EQ’s block library, looking for a fairly easy block to use for our block for 2020. One of the ones I put into the sketchbook had Y-seams. I changed the Y-seams to a HST, to make it easier to piece. Then I put it into a quilt layout. Hmmm…that doesn’t look too bad. I added sashing–WOW!! THAT looks even better. When I showed Linda, she liked the block and the quilt too. We tried out different fabrics, and decided on the ones we’ll use for the block and the quilt. I’ll need to write the pattern, luckily I’ll have a few months to work on it!
I also did a Christmas letter today. I don’t usually do a letter (my life is too boring!). With our move this year, I decided a letter would be the thing to do. I should have done it sooner–had a card come yesterday that was sent to the old address. Thank goodness USPS forwards!
Now I must get back to designing so I can get onto something involving a USING a sewing machine!