What should I do first today?
I should be baking already. I want to take something for the bake sale at church. I should have baked yesterday.
I need to do some house cleaning.
I want to put up some Christmas decorations. I hauled up the boxes yesterday. I did get the Christmas throw pillow covers on. I thought I had enough for all the throw pillows, but I have two pillows not Christmas. I wonder if they are still in the tote??
I woke up to beeping this morning. Somewhere downstairs is a smoke alarm needing a new battery. Which I’m sure we don’t have.
I did sew a bit yesterday. I made the front and back of a Christmas stocking. I need white for the cuff. I must have white somewhere, but I’m not sure where. It will be much easier to just go by an eighth of a yard at the Creamery.
I think I have the fabrics needed for each size of my slowly developing new pattern. The next step is to “cut” the fabric in EQ7. My way of determining the fabric requirements is to make a Custom Layout. Add blocks 40″ wide by the length EQ tells me I need for each fabric. Then I set blocks onto each different “fabric” with the size corresponding to the size I need to cut. If I need, for instance, 18 2″ squares, rather than placing 18 individual squares I will make a block that is 36″ x 2″. And so on for all the pieces I need to cut.
I usually end up calculating very close to the EQ estimate. Sometimes if I’m using a specialty ruler, I may need more, or less, than EQ tells me. Figuring this way gives me the confidence that my yardage requirements will be accurate.
Now it’s time to DO, not write!