Day 11
It appears I will have at least two posts today. What I thought I had posted Sunday was only a draft. Yesterday I couldn’t think of anything worth writing about.
We have very cold weather, I think it’s about -14…no, wait! It’s now -19. Brrrr!!
I finished a project yesterday but forgot to take a picture until the package was sealed for mailing.
Linda and I worked on the 2020 Quilt Minnesota Shop Hop quilts for the Creamery. I had designed our quilt block several weeks ago. Ok. I went to the EQ Block Library, picked a few that would be easy to piece and finish at 8″, then changed a Y-seam to a HST. Just for fun, I set the block into a quilt layout in EQ7, added sashing and borders. Loved it! We figured the yardage requirements for that one, and several of the other quilts I had dropped the 2020 fabric into. I wish we didn’t have to wait 5+ months to get the fabric!
I probably won’t get to do any sewing today. I would like to make Christmas stockings for Mike and me since we now have a fireplace on which to hang them.
It’s almost time to get ready for work.
I hope you have a great day!