The stockings were hung by the chimney with care…

Well, they would if I had bought the right 3M Command strips…
This is the front of them.

And the backs.

I used cotton batting and quilted them with a serpentine stitch in a 1.5″ grid. I like the crinkly look, and I thought I would wash and dry these. They didn’t crinkle as much as I like. I forgot to take another picture out of the dryer. I was going to take one after hanging them. I discovered picture hangers wouldn’t work, I need hooks. What was I thinking?!
I baked cookies this afternoon. The recipe I like has rice krispies, coconut, oatmeal, and chocolate chips. I mixed up a batch of orange gingersnaps. They needed to be refrigerated for an hour. They may have to wait longer than an hour. A cold started taking hold this morning, and it’s settling in. I’m trying to keep ahead of it with echinacea and a decongestant. A friend recommended Vicks on the soles of my feet tonight. I will try that. The cookies may have to wait until before work tomorrow.
Until tomorrow…