A new sample bag
I work again today. Yesterday my new Studio 180 rulers were waiting for me. I can’t wait to try them out. I now have the Tucker Trimmer 3, Four Patch Square Up and Split Rects. You can see them here, plus the others available. When I get my fabric from Island Batik I’ll be trying out the Tucker Trimmer 3 and Four Patch Square Up. Can’t wait!
Yesterday a lady brought into the quilt shop a quilt that her sister started for her daughter’s high school graduation, two years away. That was 12 years ago. The mom passed away before finishing the quilt. Now the daughter is getting married next year. The lady wants to finish the quilt for her niece’s wedding, but it’s way beyond her quilting ability. (Not sure it isn’t beyond mine too!!)
The pattern is Star of Bethlehem. I’ve looked for a picture of the pattern, but I haven’t found one yet that looks like the one brought in. (Wish it was one of the others I found…and glad it’s not some of the others!) It’s a Lone Star, which I’ve always admired but never wanted to do. Even though it’s way out of my comfort zone, I couldn’t say no. This will be something the daughter is going to cherish for the rest of her life. How can I say no to that? I’ve made memory quilts out of clothing of loved ones. Once I cut down a quilt to make a wallhanging. The quilter had passed away and her husband wanted something smaller. The memory quilts may not be the prettiest quilts, but there is so much love in them.
Now I’m home from work, another busy day. I finished a bag sample that I started a couple of weeks ago. It’s called Happy Hauler from Auntie’s Two.
We used 2 panels for it, one on the front (below) and another for the back. (Well, I guess either could be the front, or back.)

I don’t remember the name of the panel. I could have used the same part of the panel for both sides, but used the left edge for one side, the right edge for the other. I’m not a fan of straight stitching, obviously. I had the lines marked, but I can’t sew a straight line even if it ‘s marked!
There are two layers of Bosal In-R-Foam for the bag, lots of fun maneuvering that in the small throat space of the machine! The bottom is 2 layers of Peltex, and that was hand-stitched on. Also fun. (Not really!)

I’m going to start playing in EQ7, so bye for now!