A Christmas quilt, part 2

The blocks are pieced. I foundation pieced. I have some really thin paper. I have no idea how it came to be in my sewing room, it’s been in the cabinet for years. I pieced 15 8½” x 11″ blocks which I trimmed down to about 8″ x 10½”. But first of all, I had to remove the paper. That resulted in A LOT of bits and pieces of paper!

I didn’t get every tiny, teeny piece out. It’s for me, I’m not that fussy, nobody will know they are there.
These are trimmings from all the blocks.

As I pressed and trimmed all the blocks I put them up on the design wall.

Then I rearranged them to try to balance out the gold fabric patches. And I forgot to take a picture of that.
I sewed them together with black sashing. And I forgot to take a picture of that.
I quilted it with a large serpentine stitch. I went kitty-corner through each block in both directions. Then stitched 3 more rows between that. And I forgot to take a picture of that. (Are you sensing a pattern??)
I used black for the binding also. Yup, forgot that picture too.
When done, I threw it in the washer with a load of towels and dried it thoroughly in the dryer. I like the crinkled look. And of course, no picture of that. Maybe tomorrow.
Take care!