Holiday wallhangings
When I was looking for fabric for the dresser scarf recently, I rediscovered fabric I had forgotten I had. I am 99.99% sure all of these came from Mill Ends Textiles in St. Cloud many years ago. Here are two.

This is another.

I decided that the Nativity scene would be the first one I would work on. I wanted to use something for the backing that would make it reversible. My first thought something for Valentines. I searched through the totes, but found nothing that I considered Valentines. I did find this though.

Now it became a Fall/Christmas wallhanging.
I didn’t add borders, all I did was layer and quilt. I used my chalk marker to mark a vertical line down the center, then some some diagonal lines. I used a large serpentine stitch with the walking foot. Some of the rows I double stitched.

I wasn’t sure how to add a hanging sleeve so that I could hang it both ways. I asked on a sewing group. Someone suggested using cafe curtain clips. Another said she uses curtain rods, making it an adjustable hanger. I bought the clips and the rods. I think I should paint the rod black.

Here are more Christmas decorations. I’m really behind this year…

I need to get some tacks to finish hanging the angels, the t-pins are too hard to get into the ceiling.

It’s time to get ready to leave for work. Have a good day and stay safe!