Month: March 2021
Correction to Tied in Knots
Page 4 should say Step 7 — Quilt and bind All the info is correct, just the step number was wrong.
Tied in Knots
Back in 2018 I used Island Batik’s Eclectic line for this pattern. You can read about that here. I’ve also used Banyan Batik’s Lustre line for the pattern. I made three quilts using that fabric. Connecting Threads also featured it in there catalog in the Sweet Splendor line. So… This pattern has been around the […]

I had the pleasure of designing a tablerunner with Island Batik fabrics. The fabric is Mystery and is shipping to stores now. The pattern is Receding. It is 42″ x 17″. I made several samples with fabric from my stash before making the “real” one with the Mystery fabric. Some looked good, some not-so-good. This […]