More Floaters
I finished Floaters yesterday.

I used Crayola Ultra Clean Washable Markers to mark my quilting lines. This is loose quilting, just enough to hold it all together. The quilt is in the washer with a load of towels, in hot water. It will go in the dryer with the towels, on high heat. I want it to get all the shrinking out of the way, and let it crinkle as much as possible, although with the loose quilting it won’t crinkle much.
I also finished printing the Northcott order of the Goose Chase in Black Cat Capers.

I thought I was keeping track of how many I was printing. The box I was putting in wasn’t going to be big enough. I counted as I moved to a bigger box. As I neared the bottom of the first box…there were a lot of patterns still in there and I had almost all I needed in the bigger box. I recounted. And recounted. And recounted. Yes, I was off by 100 and had more than enough instead of needing to print more. I’m thankful that I didn’t keep printing the “last” patterns as I counted the ones already printed. And the first box WAS big enough!
So I have a few extras…
Next up on the to-do list is making a tool belt for my son. I’m not really looking forward to that, but it’s been here for over 4 months, so I better get going on it.