What’s on my design wall?

I finished piecing the All Minnesota Shop Hop quilt yesterday, so my design wall is empty. Except for the sample blocks, two finished tablerunners, one waiting to be quilted, and binding for three quilts.
I had been waiting for fabric missing from the original shipment. USPS decided that my fabric needed to take a trip. It left Cedar Rapids, IA, on Wednesday, November 24, 2021. Less than 6 hours later it arrived in St. Paul, MN. The label said expected delivery date was Saturday, November 27, 2021. After a day and half in St. Paul, it trekked to Champaign, IL, taking over 48 hours to get there. 5 hours later it arrived in Chicago. 30 hours later it was back in St. Paul! FINALLY yesterday morning, Thursday, December 2, 2021, 7:45am, I picked it up at my Post Office. So much for paying for Priority Shipping!!
A weight has been lifted, I can breathe again. I took it to the Creamery yesterday afternoon. Michelle was finishing up on a customer quilt, and by now my quilt should be on the longarm, and she’ll be quilting it soon. I can pick it up tomorrow when I work. I have the binding ready to go (pinned to my design wall), and will probably work on it I get home from work.
In the meantime, I working on quilting and binding (pinned to my design wall) two small quilts for my great-grandsons. Picture to follow!
Now it’s back to work!