More winter
Since it’s still dark, it’s hard to tell exactly what it’s like outside, but I do know it’s snowing and blowing. The forecast yesterday was for 12-18 inches of snow. At least this time of the winter, it won’t last too long. I hope. I have pattern writing to do, and I think I just might be doing it at the kitchen table so I can watch the snow blow across the backyard.
Last week, Jen Gasper of Shop Hop, Inc., delivered our All Minnesota Shop Magazines to the Old Creamery.

There has been some negativity on Facebook about this new shop hop in Minnesota (No! Not negativity on Facebook! That’s never happened before!) Complaints about having to pay for the magazine – there are five quilt patterns in it, if you like ONE pattern, it’s well worth the price. It shows where all the shops in the hop are located. It lists retreat centers and shops with longarm services.
Some shops were sold out of the magazines through pre-orders, some have a good supply yet. It’s hard to know what to expect with something new, who wants dozens of magazines leftover??
What do I like best about the magazine? Well, I may be prejudiced, but I like page 84…

It is now light out. It’s snowing and blowing. A good day to be in looking out. I’m glad I don’t have to go out in it as so many people will have to do regardless of the weather.
the patterns aren’t writing themselves, so I better get to it!