AMNSH quilts – Tumbleweed
Tumbleweed is a 29″ x 29″ tabletopper or wallhanging. To me, it looked like a tumbleweed from the start and was an easy one to name–sometimes the naming is the hardest part of a new pattern.
This new pattern has room for 4 Store squares, 4 Regional squares, and 1 State square. But if you don’t have those, any other fabric could go in those spaces.
Tumbleweed will be available by April 1–hopefully with a real quilt on the cover!
Here is a snippet of the quilt.

This pattern has some HSTs, parts of QSTs, squares, rectangles, and plain borders. The pattern will show variations without the Shop Hop squares.
When I was working on it, I used plain white for the Shop Hop squares. Today I added the actual fabric, and it looks 1000% better!
More to come!