It’s been awhile!
Why does life always get in the way? This seems to be the one thing I keep putting off.
What have I done in the last two and a half months??
We had a nice long fall. I got my flower bulbs and potatoes dug and put away.
I planted some new spring flower bulbs, not that I remember what I planted. If the squirrels didn’t get them, it will be a pleasant surprise in a few months!
I watched a crazy squirrel one day. He came from the vicinity of the fenced-in garden. He ran northeast, then south, then east, then northwest, then east. I’m sure I’m forgetting a few directions. I could see he had something in his mouth, it looked greenish, and wondered if he had stolen a green tomato. Finally, he “buried” it, whatever it was. I went out to look, and sure enough, there under a little pile of leaves was a green tomato. I wonder how long it stayed there, and what his thoughts were when he went back for it. Was it still edible? Was it rotten? Was it frozen?
Over the summer we did some updating in the house. The 3-bowl porcelain kitchen sink was in need of replacement. We had been looking for another 3-bowl sink but found none that would fit the opening. We gave up on finding one to fit and started looking for a double or single bowl sink. Once again, I couldn’t find any that fit. The only solution was to either stick with the worn-out sink or get new countertops also.
We decided on new countertops. In looking things over, we saw a crack inside the dishwasher. Now we have a new dishwasher– and wow! does it ever clean!!
With the help of my daughter and granddaughters, we painted the kitchen, living room, and hallway. It looks so nice! I love having some color in the house! The living room has new blinds. I need to make a valance for that window. I hope to find some wide backing fabric that is the right color when I work today.
I have been doing some sewing also and will do separate posts on that. More patterns have been printed and sent, and another shipment will go out next week. Customer quilts pieced and delivered or ready to deliver.
But enough for now, it’s time to get ready for work.