Someone on the Quilt Designers facebook group asked an interesting question yesterday. She will soon be 65, what are others around her age doing? Are they retiring?
I can only answer for myself. If I don’t sew, what do I do??
I’m not a fan of housework (which is obvious!). Besides, that wouldn’t fill up too many hours a week.
I have been doing more baking lately. My daughter gave me some sourdough starter several months ago. I tried a few different breads but wasn’t all that happy with the “crusty” bread. I have found a bread recipe that is a softer bread and it’s fabulous! I have a waffle recipe and cinnamon roll recipe that are also keepers. Cookie recipes–NO!
I did more gardening this summer, made a new flower bed, moved a rose bush, transplanted asparagus, and we are trying raised gardening. We’ll see how that goes next summer. What was the garden will be for raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, maybe some cherries.
So if I don’t design quilts and sew, what do I do? Read? I do that now. Sit and watch TV? Ugh. And I can have the TV on as I sew. Most evenings I have my laptop and play in EQ, or work on writing a pattern while the TV is on.
My mom sewed until about 3 weeks before she passed away at the age of 93. I have 20+ years before I can match that.
I would like not going to work 2 or 3 days a week, but I do like the paycheck, and I like where I work and the people I work with.
God gave me this talent and I’m going to use it as long as He allows me to use it.