A jigsaw puzzle…

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Last Friday I started working on a graduation quilt.  It’s based on this free pattern https://ivoryspring.wordpress.com/2016/12/08/free-pattern-wind-chimes-using-windhams-soleil/

The customer wants it larger so I used EQ to get what I needed.  The blocks are larger and I’ve added rows and columns.  I thought it would be easy once I determined how many of each fabric combination I need.  I have six  lights, and there are purples, blues and greens.  Now that I’m making the HSTs, it’s not quite so simple.  Some of the blues are almost purple, some of the purples are almost blue, and some of the greens are almost brown. I’m thinking I’m going to have to cut triangles instead of drawing a grid  and sewing on both sides of diagonaly lines to make the HSTs, my preferred method.

This was my start,but as soon as I started adding more, some just seemed to moosh together instead of forming strips of color.

I just don’t do well with scrappy!

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