My Happy Halloween
I didn’t do any tricks, but I sure got a treat!!!
My husband had a dental appointment in the 50 miles away town which also has the only Husqvarna dealer anywheres near me. We were early, and had time to kill. My Sapphire 850 is almost 12 years old, and is beginning to show its age. I said I’d like to stop and see what’s available that is similar, see what prices are. But I’m just there to LOOK, not buy!!
The very nice salesperson showed me the Sapphire 930. There was a 960Q, too. There was a price on both, the 930 definitely more in my price range, but I’m just LOOKING.
(Not sure how many times I said “I’m NOT buying today!)
She asked if I would be trading my 850 in. I asked how much they’d give me for it. She went to get a price. $300 less than the listed price, $400 for my 850, plus a $150 rebate, expiring yesterday. Since I know I’ll need a new machine in the not too distant future, I couldn’t pass it up. It ended up not alot more than my 850 12 years ago.
I have a new machine!

It’s very much like my Sapphire 850, so not alot of learning to do. It has a few features that the 850 doesn’t have, which I didn’t know about until I was reading the owner’s manual in the dentist’s waiting room. I now have a thread cutter, something I may not use much when piecing, but I did use it today while sewing on a customer’s rag quilt. It also has mirror image end to end as well as side to side. It has a start/stop button.

Now I need some time to play.