Spinning, or swirling, seam allowances
In many of my patterns I give the tip to swirl the seam allowances. I include a diagram of what it is.
Deb Tucker of Studio 180 Designs has started a series of tips on Thursdays on Facebook. Today’s tip is a detailed explanation of spinning the seam allowances. She goes into much greater detail than I do in my patterns.
Here is the link if you are on Facebook.
I looked for it on her website, but didn’t see it there. There are many other videos though.
I’ve been doing that since learning about it from Eleanor Burns on Quilt in a Day. I try to do it whenever possible.
If you are not familiar with the Studio 180 rulers, please do check them out. I have nine, I think that’s what I count hanging on my wall. One is still brand new in the wrapper, can’t wait to try that one out. I know it will make sewing easier, it’s for a block I use often enough that I decided it was worth it to buy the ruler. I’ll be sure to give details when I do use it.
Today seems like a wasted day, no sewing. Instead I’m getting my laptop ready to send in to the Dell doctor (not coronavirus–it started getting sick before that).
I had to dig out an old laptop and I transferred my most important files via Bluetooth. I put folders onto flashdrives. I searched for and located exe files I’ll need if they have to reformat. (Oh joy, what fun that will be to reinstall everything.)
Hope all are staying well.