Chain of Stars

Chain of Stars is one of my first patterns. First time I made it was with Timeless Treasures’ Mini Marina fabric.

I then made it for a kit sample for the Old Creamery Quilt Shop. This fabric was something “Lyon”, I don’t remember who’s line it is.

There was a really cute panel to go with it, I used it for backing.

From the leftovers, I made a wallhanging.

I also made a tablerunner with Christmas fabrics.

Back in November I submitted the design to Timeless Treasures again with a new line of fabric, Dear Stella, Little Fawn and Friends. I finally received the fabric about a week ago (thanks, covid), but haven’t had time to start the sample for the cover yet. This is the EQ image:

Such a cute line of fabric! If only I didn’t have to cook, clean, sleep, go to work, or any of the other life things that get in the way of sewing! Maybe today I can start on it. (I hear the weeds in the garden, “Yes, do that!”)
If I’m going to sew today I need to get a few other things out of the way…