Border prints–love ’em or hate ’em???
Border prints and I haven’t been getting along too well lately.
First, it was Northcott’s Black Cat Capers in Goose Chase. (You can read about that fiasco here.)
Today I went back to Whirlwind in Timeless Treasure’s Hen House collection. Once again, I discovered that I can do more in EQ7 than I can with actual fabric. This is how I designed the quilt.

The jars in the border have their bottoms to the inside of the quilt.
This is what I discovered when it came time to cut the border today–the jars are on the bottom of repeat, not the top as I had thought. This is how I have to attach the border, the poor jars have to stand on their heads all around the quilt!

I guess this will be ok (it will HAVE to be). Had I looked at the print before adding the second wood grain border, I would have made a change. (Well, darn, I guess I could have trimmed it down… too late now, I cut the border print already…)
I could have made the second wood grain border narrower and used all of the border print instead of trimming it down. This is what that would have looked like.

All I have left to do is to add the mitered border. And quilt it. And bind it.
I’ll post a picture when I get it done.