Smaller Beams

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On Friday I finished the smaller Beams quilt.  I have produced the perfect example of what not to choose for your fabric.  For the Corner Beams I chose two fabrics that coordinated, one a small busy print, the other a larger, more open print.  Unfortunately, they are so close that there isn’t much contract.  That is fine for the beams, but when I put next to each other the “waste triangles” from cutting the Center Beams, they blend together.And at six feet away on a galloping horse, it’s all one fabric.

So much for showing what to do with those waste triangles.

Yesterday i finished the little runner I made from the waste triangles of the larger size quilt.  Those fabrics definitely contrast!

I’m happy with these results. Yes, some of the points don’t line up, but I’m not going to worry about that (get back on that galloping horse again).

For the quilting, I simply used the walking foot to echo the seam lines, either pivoting when I reached a point, or going off the edge.

The stitching shows a little better on the back.

I used a thread that was a bit darker than the light, and a bit lighter than the dark, although in the photos, it doesn’t stand out on either.

After binding it, into the washer it went with a load of laundry, then into the dryer.  I love the crinkly look. I forgot to measure it before I washed it, but I think it shrank almost an inch.  It is crinkley!

Now onto my next one.



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